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Natural SEO SEM


Google Terms Summary


First Place SEO and SEM

Natural Search Engine Optimization is the clear winner when it comes to achieving visibility on the Web.

Our expert, quality website optimization programs can get YOUR e-commerce site to the top of the SERPs.

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Natural SEO = Organic SEO

Organic SEO = Ethical SEO

Ethical SEO = Natural SEO

Natural SEM = Organic SEM

Organic SEM = Ethical SEM

Ethical SEM = Natural SEM




Natural SEO and SEM

Google Search Terms


The most important search site for websites using natural seo and natural sem is Google . Why ? Because Google represents almost two-thirds of all direct search inquiries made on the Internet.

For that reason, an understanding of Google - Google Terms - the Google algorithm - and the future direction of Google must be understood.

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Google and Search Terms

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The position in the SERPs that a website is displayed. The higher the position, presumably the greater the relevance, webpage visibility and resulting traffic.



The measurement of a search engine's ability to return all relevant documents for a query. For example, if a query returns eight documents in the SERPs, and there are ten total indexed relevant documents - the Recall is 80%. Not to be confused with Precision which measures the search engine's ability to return relevant pages to total pages returned.



The correlation between text and tags, or between a keyphrase queried and its SERPs.


Relevance Feedback

A retrieval technique which allows the user to select a subset of retrieved documents to further hone in the search terms.


Relevance Scoring

The percentage relevance computation in a Vector Space Model for webpages returned in a query.


Relevancy Ranking

The algorithm used by a search engine to determine the order that results will be displayed. Most use Fuzzy And, keyword frequency, keyword prominence and keyword proximity.

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An important factor in understanding how to optimize your website is to get a handle on the terminology used in Natural SEO and SEM strategy. And much of this strategy is based on the Google algorithm. There are consultants and experts and optimization gurus on the Web aplenty. Hopefully this glossary will assist you in learning some of the terminology so you can assess who IS an expert - and who is just trying to pitch you a scam.

Natural SEO SEM will try to provide you with a sound knowledge base to draw from. Glossaries with terms used in the various aspects of running an internet business. And Google and Search Terms is an important area to examine.

Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Google and Search information useful in understanding the Internet, natural SEO and SEM - and how it affects your internet business website.