To Have a Web Presence - You need to be Found !


Natural SEO SEM


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Search Engine Marketing

Marketing methods designed to bring visibility to a website. Main categories are SEO, PPC and Paid Inclusion.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing a website organically to achieve higher rankings on the search engines. Includes both on-site and off-site techniques and procedures. reference to the top portion of a traditional newspaper. The portion of a webpage visible to a visitor without scrolling down.


Optimization Kinds

Categorization variables such as Title, Keywords, Description, Headings, Link URL, Link Text, Image Alt, Comment, Body

Optimization Parameters

Quantitative variables such as Frequency, Weight, Size, Prominence, Proximity


Natural SEO is part understanding what to put on a webpage to achieve high ranking. But, just as important, Natural SEO is knowing what NOT to do on a webpage. WhiteHat SEO is the standard. GrayHat SEO is a consideration. BlackHat SEO is avoided.

Natural SEO involves every component found on a webpage - the text, the images, metatags, the title tag, alternative text, backlink anchor text, headings, forward link anchor text, as well as the internal hyperlink architecture and navigation system.

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Nicest Families in the World

Robert and Hazel Chesher and children Mike, Tom, Nancy, Dave, Steve and Kevin.

John and Martha Defant and children Marc, Denise and Chris.

Jake and Jeanette Schamberger and children Jake, Bob, Laura, Steve and Janet.

Ralph and Diane Fernley and children Kevin and Lisa.

Paul and Marge Finn and children Paul, Tim, Dennis and Kevin.

Ray and Alma Stechschulte and children Don and Ruth.

Charles and Vina Galetto

Herb and Val Bird and children Greg and Christina.

Jim and Betty Jane Steeber.

Tom and Judy Chesher and children Ed and Scott.

Tony and Jane Beaudette

Dennis and Beth Burdick

Donn and Nancy Hawes and Wesley.

Larry and Julie Paul and children Seth and Katie.

Kevin and Beate Turner and children Justin, Brian and Anya.

Skip and Nancy Swearingen

Chuck and Jan Smith





PageRank is one of the variables in the Google algorithm for determining where an individual webpage will appear in the search results for a given keyphrase. PageRank gives a higher ranking to relevant pages that are linked from other relevant pages. PageRank is a Google evaluation of the value of a webpage in comparison to other pages on the website and with the Internet as a whole.

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Washington DC


and Growing !

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Natural SEO = Organic SEO

Organic SEO = Ethical SEO

Ethical SEO = Natural SEO


Website Design Glossary


Website design is a major factor in whether visitors to a website stay and look around, or click away.

It includes the internal navigation, the color schema, font selection and a myriad of other considerations.

Natural SEO SEM has compiled many of the website design terms that may be of use to our customers and to our website visitors. We hope you will find them to be of use in better understanding website design and design features.


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Website Design Glossary

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HTTP Status Code

A defined numeric code indicating the status of a webpage.


HTTP Status Code 100 - Continue.

HTTP Status Code 101 - Acknowledge protocol change.

HTTP Status Code 1xx - Information.

HTTP Status Code 200 - OK.

HTTP Status Code 201 - Resource created.

HTTP Status Code 202 - Request accepted.

HTTP Status Code 203 - OK. Non-authoratative.

HTTP Status Code 204 - Empty.

HTTP Status Code 205 - Content Reset.

HTTP Status Code 206 - Partial Content.

HTTP Status Code 2xx - Success.

HTTP Status Code 300 - Multiple Locations.

HTTP Status Code 301 - Moved Permanently.

HTTP Status Code 302 - Found.

HTTP Status Code 303 - Use <location>.

HTTP Status Code 304 - Not Modified.

HTTP Status Code 305 - Must Use Proxy.

HTTP Status Code 306 - Unused.

HTTP Status Code 307 - Temporary Redirect.

HTTP Status Code 3xx - Re-Direction.

HTTP Status Code 400 - Bad Request.

HTTP Status Code 401 - Unauthorized.

HTTP Status Code 402 - Payment Required.

HTTP Status Code 403 - Forbidden.

HTTP Status Code 404 - Not Found.

HTTP Status Code 405 - Method Not Allowed.

HTTP Status Code 406 - Not acceptable.

HTTP Status Code 407 - Proxy Authentication Required.

HTTP Status Code 408 - Request Time Out.

HTTP Status Code 409 - Conflict With State of Resource.

HTTP Status Code 410 - Resource No Longer Available.

HTTP Status Code 411 - Length value required

HTTP Status Code 412 - Precondition Failed.

HTTP Status Code 413 - Requested File Too Large.

HTTP Status Code 414 - Requested Address Too Long.

HTTP Status Code 415 - Requested Data on Unsupported Media.

HTTP Status Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable.

HTTP Status Code 417 - Expectation Failed.

HTTP Status Code 4xx - Browser Request Error.

HTTP Status Code 500 - Internal Server Error.

HTTP Status Code 501 - Not Implemented.

HTTP Status Code 502 - Bad gateway.

HTTP Status Code 503 - Service unavailable.

HTTP Status Code 504 - Gateway timeout.

HTTP Status Code 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported.

HTTP Status Code 5xx - Server Error.


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Natural SEO SEM hopes that you find this Website Design information useful in understanding the Internet - and your place in it.